Quality and Environmental Policy
Quality and Environmental Policy
Jordanian Egyptian FAJR for Natural Gas Transmission and Supply Co. Ltd., Specialized in the field of buying and selling Natural Gas through pipelines inside and outside the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is committed to work on applying the Integrated Management System in the Company that complies with the International Standards ISO 9001/2015 & ISO 14001/2015. We will work to maintain an accident free workplace, Adherence to local safety legislation, and we will take a leadership position in the protection of the environment , the health and safety of our employees , contractors, suppliers ,the users of our products and the communities in which we operate ,And through our constant quest for the continual Improvement, we adopted the Quality and Environmental Policy to preserve the Environment of the Company and its different facilities in order to be our approach to achieve our objectives and our strategy as follows:
Satisfying our Customers' Needs and working to fulfill their anticipations and desires to reach complete satisfaction for the services that our Company provides.
Reducing Pollution and guarantee the environment protection through the consensus with the entire existing environment related laws and legislations.
Continuous Improvement through continual Rehabilitation and training for the employees at all levels to raise the degree of competency and the development related activities.
Disseminating the Quality and Environmental Policy and making sure they are well delivered and received by the Company employees and all related parties.
Activation and Follow up of the corrective and preventive actions.
Reviewing the Quality and Environmental Policy once a year through Management Review Meetings.
Our Company's Business Plan includes measurable quality and environmental objectives and targets, to be measured annually. We are committed to achieve them through efficient and effective implementation of the integrated Quality Environmental Management System that complies with the International Standards ISO 9001/2015 & ISO 14001/2015 with the competence and skills of the Staff which leads to continual Improvement of the Quality Environmental Management System.